KATA, in Japanese means “form”. It is a system of training, practising a detailed series of movements choreographed into sets of patterns for an individual/group defending and counter-attacking imaginary opponent/s in different directions and distances. One of the advantages of kata training is that it does not allow the practitioner to attack or defend on their favourite stances or techniques.
Kata should be practiced based on the following points.
Kata should start and end with REI [Bow]
Correct basic techniques
Getting into the mindset; projecting confidence and maintaining the speed and power from start to end
Breathe efficiently by adjusting the rate and timing to the situations’ demands
DO NOT hold your breath
Dachi [Stances]
Focus on how the different muscles of the body interrelate with one another during the performance of the kata, bringing about stability and strong stances
Must be stable, well-balanced and similar in every direction throughout the performance
Chakugen [Focus]
Focus on your movements.
Keep your focus on an imaginary opponent
Remove all forms of distraction and internalise your kata
Bunkai [Analysis and Application]
Analysing and breaking down the movements of kata into defense against your opponent/s. It is important that a practitioner be able to apply a single technique in different situations and attacks
Training in Bunkai should include distances, timing, rhythm, and fluidity [Maai, Ritsudo and Nagare]
Without Bunkai, kata becomes merely a dance
Zanshin [Awareness]
When practising kata, the practitioner’s body posture should be in a state of awareness after executing a technique [relaxed awareness]
Repetition – to perfect the kata
As the saying goes… “Practice makes Perfect”. The same goes for kata. To perfect a kata, repetition is essential.