
The common punches in karate are the Upper Punch [Jodan Zuki] and Middle Punch [Chudan Zuki]. The key points for delivering these punches are:
Strike or contact area would be the first two knuckles
The pulling back hand and the punching hand should be coordinated. Emphasis must be on both hands and not the punching hand only
Both elbows must be kept down and slightly forward or back at the side of the body
Power is generated from the hip
KIAI [shouting] when delivering attacks helps to release the stored energy, delivering a greater impact on the attack
Besides the common punches, there are a variety of punches or strikes with an empty hand. They are applied in different situations and striking at different targets. They are also effective depending on the range and targets.
The varieties are:
Age Zuki – Rising punch
Gyaku Zuki [Chudan & Jodan] – Reverse punch
Haishu Uchi – Backhand strike
Haito Uchi – Ridge Han strike
Kage Zuki – Hook punch
Kizami Zuki – Jab punch
Mawashi Zuki – Roundhouse punch
Morote Zuki – Double Fist punch
Nukite – Spear Hand strike [Nihon or Yonhon]- Two or Four fingers spear
Oi Zuki – Lunge punch
Shuto Uchi – Knife hand strike
Tate Zuki – Vertical punch
Uraken Zuki – Back Fist strike
Ura Zuki – Upside Down punch/ inverted punch or uppercut